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Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen von Deep Stretching (auf Englisch)

bereitgestellt von Yogabody™

Research on Flexibility If you go searching online for “how to improve flexibility” you’ll find many conflicting articles and tutorials including weighted (loaded) stretching, active stretching, and dozens of other approaches. From my research and experience, nothing beats (although some match) passive, long hold stretching. The passive part is easy to understand, we call this Wet Noodle, but the long-hold period is murky. How long is long? 30 seconds? Two minutes? Five minutes? I don’t think we’ll ever have a definitive answer, but from my experience and research, two to five minutes is the sweet spot. Passive Stretching Research| Stretching Duration and ROM Lower Crossed Syndrome More Research

Loss of Serial Sarcomeres & Sarcomere Extension “When muscle is immobilized in a shortened position there is both a reduction in muscle fiber length due to a loss of serial sarcomeres and a remodeling of the intramuscular connective tissue, leading to increased muscle stiffness. Such changes are likely to produce many of the muscle contractures seen by clinicians, who find that such muscles cannot be passively extended to the full length, which normal joint motion should allow, without the production of muscle pain or injury… these experiments show that in addition to preventing the remodeling of the intramuscular connective tissue component daily periods of stretch of ½ h or more also prevent the loss of serial sarcomeres which occur in mouse soleus muscles immobilized in the shortened position.”

Stretching BEFORE Exercise *Not* Smart Reduced power: Reduced strength:

Pain Killers / NSAIDs Negative Impact on Pain (long term)

PNF Stretching As Effective (not more) than Static

PNF Not to be Done Before Exercise (weakens performance)

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